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Values, Vision, Voice
  • Preston Scholars Program

    Preston Scholars are passionate about the world of ideas and about solving the real world challenges of poverty, social injustice and environmental degradation through compassionate action. Our Scholars Program offers a rigorous academic and enrichment curriculum throughout the student’s high school career. Such a curriculum includes accelerated content, in-depth study, opportunities for learning beyond the classroom, and the development of communication, collaboration, and leadership skills. The aim of the Preston Scholars Program is to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning, to apply this learning to real world problems, and to work for positive change in the world.

    The Preston Scholars Program is designed to enable and encourage highly motivated students to take advantage of the several Advanced Placement courses offered and to complete challenging, self-designed Christian Service projects. Participation in the Scholars Program is one more way in which a student can distinguish herself in the increasingly competitive college application process.

    A student is invited to apply to the Scholars Program at the end of 9th or 10th grade, based on her overall intellectual ability as demonstrated by her high school grade point average. The application process includes an essay, two teacher recommendations, and an evaluation of class placement.


    Preston High School offers Honors and Advanced Placement courses in English, Fine & Technical Arts, History, Languages Other Than English (LOTE), Mathematics, and Science.


The Preston Scholars Program is a three year Honors program, beginning in sophomore year, with a Christian service component and required outside academic activities. 

Students can be invited to apply during the 4th Quarter of Freshman or Sophomore year, based on class placement and grades. 

Students must have 1st Honors for at least 2 of the 3 quarters, and must be placed in at least 2 Honors/AP/college courses–one in the Humanities and one in Math/Science. Acceptances go out in the fall, after the course placement is verified.

In addition to being enrolled in these courses and maintaining a cumulative average of 90 at the end of each year, students must also complete one outside academic activity per semester to remain in the program. The activities include, but are not limited to, essay contests, weekend and after school workshops, and internships. Thanks to a generous donation from a Preston alumna, we are able to fund most of these activities for the students. 

In junior year, our scholars complete part of their service requirement working collaboratively to raise awareness of real issues in our world. We encourage students to think global and act local. After all, the very first step in creating positive change in our world is to start in our own community. 

A nation’s treasure is its scholars.
                        --A Yiddish Proverb
The Mind of the scholar, if [s]he would leave it large and liberal,
should come in contact with other minds.
                                                                         --American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Learner always begins by finding fault, but the Scholar sees the
positive merit in everything.
                                          --Philosopher George Hegel 
All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind.
                          --Martin H. Fischer
We learn more by looking for the answer to a question
and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.
                                        --Novelist Lloyd Alexander
It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot
Irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship
what is known, but to question it.
                                                                     --Mathematician/Scientist Jacob Bronowski
  • To ensure that each student has the opportunity to develop her intellectual gifts to the fullest

  • To enhance the opportunities for service, leadership, and fellowship in a Christian community

  • To provide guidance and mentoring to students in the appreciation of their own talents and those of others

  • To graduate students with a liberal education, dedicated to life-long learning who are

    • Proficient in a language other than English
    • Well-grounded in the humanities and sciences
    • Able to communicate successfully both orally and in writing
    • Capable of assuming shared responsibility for collaborative work
    • Convinced of their responsibility for their own development and that of their community
  • Is eager to learn/Has a high capacity for learning

  • Comes prepared for class and ready to discuss ideas

  • Is open to teaching methods that encourage active learning

  • Is willing to get involved in every class

  • Is comfortable with ambiguity; doesn’t require a definitive answer to every question

  • Is open to new ideas and different perspectives on old ideas

  • Has a solid work ethic

  • Welcomes a challenge

  • Seeks the company of other highly motivated, highly competent students

  • Is interested in developing her leadership skills in some way

  • Is willing to work collaboratively with her classmates in order to succeed

  • Is willing to take responsibility for her own learning