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Visitor Policy


Visitors are permitted to come to Preston under the following conditions:

  • Students cannot have visitors from other schools. Students cannot bring younger siblings to school to baby-sit.
  • Visitors must be pre-approved by the Administration or Admissions Office.

All visitors should:

  1. Report immediately to the Security Desk located in main building. If they are granted permission to be in the building, all visitors must sign the Visitor Book. The approved visitor will submit a driver’s license or other photo ID before being issued a PHS Visitor ID badge which must be worn and remain visible at all times.
  2. As the visitor exits the building, s/he should return to the Security Desk and return the ID badge as confirmation that the visitor has left the school premises. The visitor’s photo ID will be returned only after the Preston-issued ID badge has been collected.

Eighth graders who wish to visit PHS should make an appointment with the Director of Admissions.
High school students who are interested in visiting Preston as potential transfer students should make an appointment with the Director of Admissions for a review of transcript and other pertinent documents.
After-school visitors are allowed in the main lobby or the specified event room only.

Alumnae Visits to PHS

For safety and security reasons and to ensure the learning environment without disruption to classes, Alumnae who plan to visit PHS must follow these guidelines:

  • Call the school office at 718-863-9134 before the day you plan to visit. We will let you know if the schedule works for a visit on the day you wish to come.
  • Visit may begin at 2 p.m., not earlier in the day. You must sign in at the counter in the school lobby or in the school office upon arrival.
  • If you wish to visit a particular teacher, please email the teacher for an appointment time.