Once accepted to Preston, you can continue to apply for financial aid. An application must be made every year for which you seek financial aid; the application can only be made directly from your FACTS tuition account by clicking on the “Apply for Grant & Aid” on your landing page. An application takes an average of two (2) hours total to complete properly.
For 2025-26, the application deadline for rising upperclasswomen is April 30, 2025, and there is a $40 fee, payable directly to FACTS. An application is not complete and will not be considered without the required 2024 tax documents (Federal and State returns and W-2 wage statements). If your tuition is in arrears as of April 30, your application will not be considered.
There is no way to determine in advance if you will receive financial aid, as there are simply too many individual factors and extenuating circumstances taken into consideration. Final awards are always contingent upon the funds available and the number of families requesting aid. Any Financial Aid granted will be posted to your FACTS tuition account at the end of May 2025, in time for your first tuition installment payment on June 1.
Financial Aid cannot be combined with any other Preston-awarded tuition discounts, except the sibling, legacy, employee, and early payment discounts. It can, however, be combined with tuition assistance from external sources such as, but not limited to, Inner-City*, Columbus Citizens, Excellence Community Schools, various schools, and memorial scholarships and private assistance.
*Inner-City Scholarship Fund offers a variety of tuition assistance to help offset the cost of Catholic school tuition. Scholarship awards are needs based and must be renewed each year of high school. For further information, please visit their website: