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Values, Vision, Voice


¡Bienvenidos! Benvenuti! We in the LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Department believe that language is the basis of human relationship and communication. Multi-lingualism is essential in an ever-changing, global society, and it opens the door to opportunities that otherwise would be nonexistent. We also believe that proficiency in a foreign language demands the ability to communicate purposefully, while appreciating contemporary and classical cultures in an intercultural population. Thus, it is the purpose of our Department to enable students to communicate with native speakers of that language and to understand other cultures better. A communicative approach is emphasized, rather than a linguistic one. Students are encouraged to use language as a tool that will enable them to accomplish specific communicative goals. Knowledge of a foreign language not only enables communication with others but also builds confidence in the self. “The focus is always on what the students can do with the language and how well they can do it” (New York State Syllabus).

Click here for more historical information on the Seal of Biliteracy!

  • Profile Photo

    Rosemary DeMaio

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    Stephanie Thompson

  • Profile Photo

    Josue Ocando

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