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Criteria for Acceleration

Advancing from Italian 1 to Italian 2/3:

A student qualifies for Italian 2/3 as a sophomore if she successfully completes Italian 1 Accelerated with an 85% or above.


Advancing from Italian 2/3 to Italian 4/5: 

A student qualifies for Italian 4/5 for college credits as a junior if:

  • she has a minimum of an 85% cumulative GPA in June of sophomore year
  • she has taken the Italian FLACS exam and passed this exam

Enrolling in Spanish 4 Native  Speaker: 

A native Spanish speaker may enroll in Spanish 4 Native speaker  ASPN 105 if she:
  • has been evaluated,  and approved, by the current Spanish teacher,  instructor of ASPN 105, and the Department Chair
  • is a junior and she has a minimum of an 85% cumulative GPA
  • has 0 to 2 years of formal Spanish education at the high school level (and she is enrolled in Italian classes) 

Native Spanish Speaker in Italian Program: 

A native Spanish speaker may enroll in both Italian and Spanish classes and obtain two "Seals of Biliteracy " if she:
  • is evaluated by the Department Chair
  • enrolls in Italian 1 as a freshman
  • obtains a minimum of an 85% GPA at the end of sophomore year
  • enrolls in no more than 2 years of high school Spanish
  • enrolls in both Italian  4/5 and Spanish 4 ASPN 105 by senior year
  • completes the foreign language and English requirements for the "Seals of Biliteracy " by March of senior year